LASU Journal of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management (LJERHRM) (ISSN: 2705-3482) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed international journal of the Department of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University. The journal is published biennally. LJERHRM accepts qualitative and quantitative papers, reports from the field, critical review papers and discussions concerning management of people in the workplace.

We are proud to let you know the following with respect to our journals

  1. Quick Response for the Submitted Papers.
  2. No limit to the number of authors permitted for each submitted paper.
  3. Highly Qualified and Reputable Editorial Board.
  4. Quality Paper Selection Method.
  5. Open Access of all the Articles.
  6. Every Issue of the Journal is Available Online from Vol1 No.1 to the current published issue.
  7. Affordable Publication Fee.
  8. Good Impact Value from all Over the World.

Aim & Scope

Articles in LJERHRM cover all areas which include but not limited to: human resource management, organisational behaviour, organisational psychology, labour law, employment relations, human resource accounting, labour economics, public administration, industrial sociology and so on

  Open Access

All research articles published in LASUJHRMER are fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download, and share. Articles are published under a Creative Commons license, which permits use, distributed and replicated in any format, provided that the original work is properly cited.Read more

  Publication Ethics

LASU Journal of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management (JHRMER) upholds high ethics of publication and therefore expects authors, reviewers and editors to follow the best-practice guidelines on ethical behaviour as presented. Read more

CC License

Creative Commons provides option to choose which rights one want to control and want to grant to others with respect to ones publication. They do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. The publications here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.