Submit Article

Submission of Manuscripts

  • Submit soft copies of the paper to the Editor-in-chief. Submission can also be made online to the journal’s email and stipulated WhatsApp lines.
  • The paper should be typed one-sided, double-spaced on A4 paper with left and right margins of 1.5 inches. Spellings should be according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The APA format of referencing should be used.
  • Provide an abstract of not more than 250 words, and five key words of the study.
  • Each Table should be typed on a separate page and identified by a short descriptive title immediately above the table. Tables should be numbered consecutively and in the order in which they are referred to in the text.
  • Where necessary, footnotes should appear as ‘Notes’ at the end of the paper. They should be typed single-spaced on a separate sheet and numbered consecutively throughout the text.
  • All illustrative materials, drawings, maps, diagrams and photographs should appear as Figures, each with a short title placed immediately below it.