Author’s Guide

The LASU Journal of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management (JHRMER) is published annually by the Department of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management. It publishes dependable and timely information emanating from original research and new perspectives in Human Resource Management, Employment Relations, Labour Law, Labour Economics (Labour Market Analysis), Organisational Behaviour and Management/Social Sciences and related fields. Regular articles – present and discuss original research within any specified subject matter areas. The maximum length is 15 double-spaced pages including references, tables and figures.

All articles submitted are reviewed anonymously by at least two experts in the field. Submissions can take various forms including:

  1. Review or reflective articles – based on contemporary topic of scholarly interest. This should not exceed 15 pages double-spaced pages.
  2. Policy papers – report research relevant to policy-making on various aspects of social development. Policy reports should not be more than 15 double-spaced pages.
  3. Short Commentaries – about completed or on-going research projects on a subject of interest in Human Resource Management, should not exceed 8 pages double-spaced pages.
  4. Letter to the Editor and Comments – usually on a paper previously published in the Journal or on issues highly relevant to Sociology/Anthropology are welcome. These are subject to editorial review before publication.
  5. Book Reviews – are encouraged. Publishers are also encouraged to submit complimentary copies of their books to the Editor-in-Chief for review.
  6. Advertising in the Journal – is accepted subject to editorial approval. Rates can be obtained from the Managing Editor.

Preparation of Manuscripts
Soft copy of manuscript should be submitted on the submission platforms. Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authorisation for publication of the results of their work. Unless otherwise stated, submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work, devoid of plagiarised materials, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Submission of Manuscripts

  • Submit soft copies of the paper to the Editor-in-chief. Submission can also be made online to the journal’s email and stipulated WhatsApp lines.
  • The paper should be typed one-sided, double-spaced on A4 paper with left and right margins of 1.5 inches. Spellings should be according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The APA format of referencing should be used.
  • Provide an abstract of not more than 250 words, and five key words of the study.
  • Each Table should be typed on a separate page and identified by a short descriptive title immediately above the table. Tables should be numbered consecutively and in the order in which they are referred to in the text.
  • Where necessary, footnotes should appear as ‘Notes’ at the end of the paper. They should be typed single-spaced on a separate sheet and numbered consecutively throughout the text.
  • All illustrative materials, drawings, maps, diagrams and photographs should appear as Figures, each with a short title placed immediately below it.